To say that the last few months have been tumultuous would be quite an understatement. Many of us have been angered, saddened, embarrassed, enraged, horrified, empowered, incensed, or some other big, strong, soul-rattling emotion. Perhaps many emotions all at once.
During these times, some of us have drawn closer to people we may have more in common with than we ever before realized, and many of us have found that some of those closest to us seem like strangers. We have had our feelings hurt, and we have hurt others' feelings. Sometimes without even knowing.
It's been rough. All of the hostility has been in the air for a while now. It has been defeating. It's been exhausting. And mostly, it's been disheartening.
Our bodies, minds, and spirits are beaten down, and oh, so very tired.
No one should have to apologize for standing up for something they believe in, nor should anyone apologize for standing against something they believe to be wrong.
What is it they say? If you don't stand for something then you stand for nothing.
But sometimes we need to regroup. To rest. To feel peace. To reconnect.
Our souls need music, hugs and ice cream. Simplicity.
There are times the swirling needs to stop.
Sometimes you need to feel the warm water running over your wrist while you wash a dish with Bing Crosby singing in the background.
Sometimes you need to notice the light reflecting off your son's eyelashes while he is talking to you on the front steps in the brisk fall air.
Sometimes you need to look at a strangers, right into their eyes, and give a real smile and have that smile returned.
Maybe, like a friend of mine, you even need to tell the guy at Starbucks that your name is actually 'Shazam' so he will yell it when your drink is ready.
It's about to be December, which should be the most peaceful and holy time of the year. And if we allow all the static in, we won't be able to feel the magic of the season.
Whatever fight we have before us, whatever battle we need to wage, whether it is for something we believe in, or against something we don't...
That battle will still be there the first day of 2017.
And maybe, just maybe, if we stop and regroup, by then, our path will look clearer and our spirit will be stronger and filled with renewed love and purpose for others and ourselves.