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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Christians Should Read This, AND Those Who Are Not

The Grammy's aired this week. The "Academy" or whatever they are supposed to be called, allowed an utterly blasphemous performance on stage. Nicki Minaj, who apparently can't sing, decided on a blasphemous performance that the network thought was absolutely fine. There is also some speculation over whether the lead singer of the Foo Fighters was wearing an inverted cross or if it was in fact supposed to be something else. Anyhow, after the performance, people clapped, and we tuned in. The station made MONEY while we tuned in. Wait a minute. Wait one FLIPPING minute. Why was this okay? Why in the name of God-literally-was this okay? Would it be okay if someone made fun of the Jewish community on stage? Or Scientology? Would it be acceptable to mock Muslims? Would it be acceptable to take a dig at ANY minority group? Of course not!!! Groups would swoop in...OUTRAGED. Groups would boycott, the network would apologize. That is the very LEAST that would happen. So why in the WORLD are we Christians just sitting back and taking it? Why ate Christians always the ones who have to just take it? Well guess what? WE DON'T!!! We can write letters, e-mail, and demand an apology. We can make sure that when we are trying to be entertained we never have to see our beliefs mocked on a major network. Think about it. Melissa


  1. Very good point, Melissa. I didn't watch the Grammy's, but I have seen the hypocrisy, been on the receiving end of it, and am sickened by it. And you are right, we need to remember to not be ashamed, and to not sit back and let our Lord's sacrifice be mocked.

  2. You are absolutely right, Melissa. We Christians are willing to take whatever is thown at us. We don't watch much of the major networks anymore because they have all gotten so liberal and whatever goes is pretty much ok w/them. Christians need to take more of a stand while we still can.
